Documentos del Consejo Buscar Document type TodoAudit and InvestigationsBudgetDecisions of the BoardEthicsEvaluationExecutive Director - Annual ReportExecutive Director - Statements to the BoardField visitsFundingHumanitarianOrganizational mattersOther documentsProcurementReports on Board sessionsStrategic PlanUNAIDS Año Todo20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994 Enviar Report of the Executive Board on its work during 1997 (E/1997/33) Español Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during 1997 (DP/1998/2) Español Report of the Executive Board on its work during 1996 (E/1996/33) Español Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during 1996 (DP/1997/1) Español Report of the Executive Board on its work during 1995 (E/1995/34) Español Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during 1995 (DP/1996/1) Español Report of the Executive Board on its work during 1994 (E/1994/35/Rev.1) Español Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during 1994 (DP/1995/1) Español Performance summary (2011-2015) Performance summary (2011-2015) Paginación « « First Previo 44 45 46 47 48 Siguiente último »