Joint evaluation provides lessons to improve sustainable and efficient financing for the AIDS response
01 Jun 2022
01 Jun 2022
The Evaluation Offices of UNAIDS and UNFPA, together with WFP, have released an independent evaluation of the UN Joint Programme on AIDS’s work on efficient and sustainable financing.
The evaluation comes at a critical time as the new Global AIDS Strategy 2021–2026, “End Inequalities. End AIDS” has commenced. Alongside, there has been a plateauing of funds for the HIV response, following two decades of steady increase. Changes in the AIDS financing landscape and the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic provide an opportunity to assess the Joint Programme’s role in promoting sustainable and efficient financing, its achievements and the priorities going forward.
The evidence and lessons for the efficient and sustainable resourcing of the AIDS response, also support UNFPA in the realization of its strategic plan, 2022-2025, as it intensifies its focus to reach the furthest behind first.