Meeting family planning needs in Nepal’s quarantine centres
- 23 June 2020
State of World Population
Number of pages: 160
Publication date: 30 Jun 2020
Author: UNFPA
Resource date: Apr 2020
Author: UNFPA, with contributions from Avenir Health, Johns Hopkins University (USA) and Victoria University (Australia)
Publisher: UNFPA
UNFPA aims to achieve three world-changing results by 2030, the deadline for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. These are: Ending unmet need for family planning, ending gender-based violence including harmful practices such as female genital mutilation and child marriage, and ending all preventable maternal deaths. COVID-19 pandemic could critically undermine progress made towards achieving these goals.
Resource date: Sep 2019
Author: UNFPA
This brief covers UNFPA's work on addressing non-communicable diseases, primarily the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer and giving attention to adolescent and maternal health.
This brief comes as part of UNFPA's membership on the UN Interagency Task Force on prevention and management of non-communicable diseases.
Resource date: Mar 2020
Author: UNFPA Supplies
What impact is COVID-19 having on supply of contraceptives and maternal health medicines? What is UNFPA doing to meet needs and mitigate shortfalls, in particular through the UNFPA Supplies thematic fund? In this and subsequent briefs, we will share updates on the status of global family planning commodity security amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resource date: Mar 2020
Author: UNFPA Supplies
What impact is COVID-19 having on supply of contraceptives and maternal health medicines? What is UNFPA doing to meet needs and mitigate shortfalls, in particular through the UNFPA Supplies thematic fund? In this and subsequent briefs, we will share updates on the status of global family planning commodity security amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resource date: Feb 2020
Author: UNFPA