UNFPA's response to the crisis in Yemen includes:
- Providing emergency reproductive health kits and life-saving emergency obstetric care medicines and equipment to health facilities: These supplies help in saving lives of women and new-borns during deliveries, managing miscarriages, and treating infections and rape. A total of 133 heath facilities have been supported so far. Reproductive health kits are also available in cholera treatment centres.
- Mobile medical teams and clinics: They provide reproductive health services that include safe deliveries, in remote conflict-affected areas, including referral of complicated deliveries. The teams compose of 1 doctor, 1 midwife and 1 lab technician. These have been integrated with nutrition services for pregnant women and cholera prevention information targeting women and young girls.
- Improving capacities of health providers: To increase the efficiency of health professionals and effectiveness of the emergency RH kits, trainings are be supported for doctors and midwives in the application of the Minimum Initial Service Package on reproductive health.
- Support for scaling-up human resources: Unemployed midwives are being supported to set up home-based clinics to fill the gap in the provision of timely assistance during home deliveries. UNFPA has supported 120 such clinics so far.
- Supporting the establishment of reproductive health information management system during emergencies: This will assist in the management and planning of the national family planning and reproductive health programme.
- Supporting re-establishment of RH supply chain management: UNFPA is supporting the re-establishment of the Yemen supply chain management system for reproductive health commodities within the current humanitarian context and beyond. A needs assessment has been completed with a a costed strategic action plan.
- Supporting the development of national RH Strategy 2017-2021: UNFPA is supporting the Population Sector of the Ministry of Public Health and Population to develop a National Reproductive Health Strategy for the period 2017-2021 and a Five-Year Plan for its implementation. The new strategy will have dedicated chapters on reproductive health in emergency as well as on reproductive health commodity security.
- Supporting humanitarian RH coordination: Support is being provided to strengthen Inter-Agency Working Group (RH IAWG) under the Health Cluster to ensure that interventions among all partners are well interlinked and implemented according to plan and gaps are addressed.
- Ensuring the availability of family planning methods: UNFPA supports in ensuring family planning methods are accessible to people in health facilities and mobile clinics.