South Sudan Country Office Situation Report #58 - 19 Feb - 5 March 2015
Resource date: Mar 2015
Author: UNFPA South Sudan
Resource date: Mar 2015
Author: UNFPA South Sudan
The security situation although unpredictable and fluid remained calm countrywide. However, incidences of cattle raiding and ambushes on roads have been re-ported in some States and 89 children were abducted in Wau Shilluk in Upper Nile State. Overall incidents of criminality are reportedly on the increase.
The South Sudanese Government and Opposition leaders are meeting in Addis Ababa for a final round of peace talks under the mediation of the Intergovern-mental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the in-ternational community to reach a political solution to end the conflict that erupted in the country since De-cember 2013.
Humanitarian partners continued to provide lifesavings services for IDPs and their host communities through RH Mobile clinics and outreach RH services outside PoCs.
UNFPA continued the provision of Reproductive Health commodities to clinics and training health work-ers on MISP and GBV actors to ensure timely quality service delivery within humanitarian hotspots.