UNFPA has adopted a comprehensive rewards package which allows you to be rewarded for your contribution through a range of policies and benefits designed to provide generous financial compensation, promote staff well-being, and offer a wealth of learning and career development opportunities.
Financial Compensation
UNFPA follows the UN common system of salaries and allowances. Detailed information can be found at the International Civil Service Commission Web site: http://icsc.un.org.
To estimate your salary for international positions, please visit this salary calculator: https://info.undp.org/gssu/onlinetools/SalCalcInt/SalCalcInt.aspx#sthash.C7WjMOyO.dpuf
To estimate your salary for local positions, please visit this salary calculator: https://info.undp.org/gssu/onlinetools/SalCalcLocal/SalCalcLocal.aspx#sthash.C7WjMOyO.dpuf
In summary the main financial benefits that may be provided (depending on employment category and personal circumstances) are:
International and local staff
- Competitive base salary plus post adjustment – the base salary is supplemented by adding post adjustment, the amount of which varies according to the cost of living in the duty station and the US dollar exchange rate (e.g. the post adjustment for New York is around 65% of base salary). This ensures staff at the same level have similar purchasing power in every duty station.
- Dependency allowances
- Insurance – subsidized medical and dental for staff member and eligible family members
- Secured Pension Fund (retirement plan)
- Danger pay – special allowance for staff who work in locations where extremely dangerous conditions prevail
International staff only
- Rental subsidy
- Education grant – for eligible children in school and university
- Relocation travel and shipping expenses – for relocation of staff member and eligible family members • Periodic travel – home leave, rest and recuperation, and family visit
- Settling in grant – for relocation of staff member and eligible family members
- Hardship allowance – linked to living and working conditions and is paid for serving in hardship duty stations
- Mobility incentive
- Non-family service allowance - for service in non-family duty stations
Staff Well-being
At UNFPA everyone counts, and that applies as much to our staff as to the people in the communities we serve. We believe that in addition to an exciting professional challenge in a truly international environment and a generous financial compensation package, UNFPA staff deserve our support in enhancing their quality of life and enjoying a healthy work life balance.
Some of our initiatives to promote work-life balance include (subject to eligibility):
Flexible working arrangements
- Flexi-time
- Part-time work
- Compressed work week
- Work time for breastfeeding/nursing
- Telecommuting
- Annual leave
- Paid official holidays
- Maternity leave
- Paternity leave
- Sick leave
- Special leave
- Home leave
- Rest & Recuperation leave
- Adoption leave
Learning and Career Development
A variety of internal and external learning opportunities are offered to ensure continuous staff learning and career development, supported by succession and career planning.
UNFPA’s strategy is guided by the following principles:
- Learning is valued and promoted
- Staff have access to learning and development opportunities
- Learning is an integral part of staff development and linked to performance management and career planning
- Learning is a responsibility shared by learners, supervisors, teams that work together and UNFPA as an organization
- Staff are responsible for sharing knowledge and learning with others
- UNFPA’s appraisal system allows staff, supervisors and the broader organization to monitor individual performance and identify areas for development
Opportunities include:
- Participation in external learning and training activities
- Paid official holidays
- Provision of grants towards university study under Learning and Educational Assistance Programme
- Memberships in professional organizations, institutes, associations, societies
- In-house learning
- Training attachments
- Language learning
- Sabbatical Leave
- Self learning
- Special Leave without pay for developmental purposes
- On-the-job learning
- Access to knowledge databases
- Certificate programmes