The conflict in Lebanon, which began in October 2023 and escalated in September 2024, has had a devastating impact. More than 4,000 people have been killed and 17,000 injured. Around 1.3 million people were displaced, and critical civilian infrastructure has been destroyed or damaged. The ceasefire signed on November 27, 2024, marked a pivotal shift in Lebanon’s prolonged crisis, but the effects of the conflict have left behind a complex humanitarian emergency.
Currently, over 112,000 people are still internally displaced, with almost 3,700 of those displaced remaining in collective shelters. Displaced women and girls, especially those in overcrowded temporary or makeshift accommodation with little privacy, face increased risks of sexual harassment, assault, and exploitation. UNFPA and its partners are responding to a growing number of reports of sexual abuse disclosed by women who previously resided in collective shelters.
Although many health facilities have been able to resume services since the ceasefire, access to life-saving sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning, antenatal care, and safe deliveries remains disrupted. This is creating additional barriers to accessing skilled birth attendants and emergency care for the estimated 11,600 women who are currently pregnant and the nearly 3,900 women expected to give birth within the next three months.
The response to the recent crisis requires humanitarian support for immediate life-saving interventions with a focus on the most vulnerable, while also investing in medium to longer-term support for infrastructure rehabilitation and local systems' capacity building as Lebanon transitions from emergency response towards recovery.
Following the announcement of the ceasefire, the humanitarian community extended the Interagency Flash Appeal for Lebanon for an additional three months from January to March 2025. UNFPA's overall humanitarian appeal under the Lebanon Response Plan is US$40 million in 2025. As part of this, UNFPA is requesting US$11 million under the Flash Appeal to continue delivering essential sexual and reproductive health services, and gender-based violence prevention and response services.