All countries, except Turkmenistan, have officially reported COVID-19 cases. Armenia, Belarus and Moldova are the most affected relative to their population size. Türkiye is the most affected country in absolute numbers (making up 45 percent of reported cases in the region, compared to 55 percent at the end of May) and ranks eighth among UNFPA programme countries.
UNFPA continues to support the socio-economic impact assessments in the region. In particular, UNFPA is helping to identify the most vulnerable people, including older persons, based on social and demographic data. UNFPA is also supporting countries to assess economic shocks and their implications for people (using National Transfer Accounts).
UNFPA is supporting countries to integrate sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) into the national assessments of COVID-19 impact, and to ensure that national strategies and response plans include prevention and response to gender-based violence (GBV) and domestic violence, and that gender equality and violence against women and girls are a central feature of national socio-economic responses.
UNFPA country offices continue to engage young people on peer to peer risk communication, including #youthagainstcovid #healthychallenge.
UNFPA has started the implementation of COVID19 programmes using the Joint UN Multi Partner Trust Fund in at least 5 countries.
UNFPA continues to strengthen health systems by applying new online technologies.
In Tajikistan, UNFPA launched a project on building access to SRH services for People with Disabilities during the pandemic, allowing them to receive safe and quality SRH services at no cost and no barriers.
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COVID-19 Situation Report No. 5 for UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia