How Universal is Access to Reproductive Health?
A Review of the Evidence
Number of pages: 52
Publication date: 01 Jan 2010
Author: UNFPA
Publisher: UNFPA
Number of pages: 52
Publication date: 01 Jan 2010
Author: UNFPA
Publisher: UNFPA
This publication looks at current data, trends and differentials in universal access to reproductive health, the second target of Millennium Development Goal 5 (MDG5.b).
Focusing on the the three indicators within that target (adolescent fertility, contraceptive prevalence and the unmet need for family planning), the report clearly demonstrates that intensified efforts are needed to extend reproductive health to all, and that quality data are essential to monitor progress and identify priorities for action.
While acknowledging the continuing challenge of measuring key indicators for this target, the report finds that earlier progress has slowed. Moreover, disparities in access based on wealth, education and rural or urban residence have widened.