Women War Peace
Commissioned by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), this colorful book examines the progress made in implementing the United…
Read publicationFinancial Resource Flows For Population Activities 2002
Population dynamics and reproductive health are central to development and must be an integral part of development planning and poverty…
Read publicationDonor Support for Contraceptives and Condoms for STI/HIV Prevention 2002
Since 1990, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has been monitoring trends and gaps between estimated needs and actual donor support to…
Read publicationPopulation and Housing Censuses
UNFPA, in partnership with the PARIS21 Census Task Team, and with additional support provided by EUROSTAT and the United States Bureau of the Census…
Read publicationPopulation Ageing and Development
UNFPA's focus in the area of population ageing is guided by the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development…
Read publicationStrategic Guidance on HIV Prevention
As one of the eight cosponsors of UNAIDS (the other cosponsors being UNICEF, UNDP, UNDCP, UNESCO, ILO, WHO and World Bank), UNFPA chairs Theme Groups…
Read publicationPreventing HIV Infection, Promoting Reproductive Health
Previously known as AIDS Update, this is the 11th annual publication to provide information about action taken by UNFPA to prevent HIV infection. HIV…
Read publicationPopulation Ageing and Development
A special report from the Expert Group Meeting on Population Ageing and Development. Population ageing has become one of the most significant…
Read publicationState of World Population 2002
Attacking poverty directly, as a matter of human rights, to accelerate development and to reduce inequality within and among nations, has become an…
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