
ICPD30 Global Dialogue on Demographic Diversity and Sustainable Development Closing Ceremony

16 May 2024

Your Excellency Ambassador Masud Bin Momen, Foreign Secretary of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dr. Mohammed Azizur Rahman, Health Secretary of the Medical Education and Family Welfare Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Distinguished ICPD30 delegates, 
Dear colleagues and partners,
Dear young people,

Assalaam alaikum! Peace is on our minds: peace in our homes, in our hearts and in the wider world. 

Celebration! Dialogue! A marvelous global dialogue these past days.

Very special thanks once again to our truly wonderful host, the Government of Bangladesh, and our outstanding co-sponsors, the Governments of Japan and Bulgaria.

When I look around this room, I see the beautiful diversity of our world of 8 billion plus. 

May I salute you, the more than 200 delegates from 48 countries! We came together here in Dhaka and shared ideas and experiences, charting the way forward.

Whether we come from a country experiencing low fertility or a country experiencing vigorous population growth – or from somewhere in between – one thing unites us: an unwavering commitment to advancing the ICPD agenda, a cornerstone of sustainable development.

What great plenary sessions we’ve had! We benefited tremendously from listening to the insights of leading demographers, statisticians, and policymakers. We benefited from the enthusiasm evident across generations – from those whose work paved the way for the progressive ICPD Programme of Action, and the next generation! With their energy and creativity, young people are charting the path ahead. 

The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres identifies five megatrends affecting economic, social and environmental outcomes: 1) demographic shifts, 2) climate change; 3) urbanization; 4) the emergence of digital technologies; and 5) persistent, stubborn inequalities.

To adapt, we must be adept. Adaptation requires strategic planning and foresight. Data, statistics, monitoring, evaluation – it all counts.

Investments in health, gender equality, and education are such powerful drivers of development that’s inclusive, rights-based, and sustainable.  

We’ve heard how collecting and disaggregating data can be used to inform policies and reach those furthest behind – wherever they may be, whoever they are, without discrimination. Reaching those furthest behind takes resources – so let’s not be shy about asking for what this work needs.

Tomorrow, the world celebrates the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. A special embrace to these communities, who have much to teach us about dismantling discrimination and practicing inclusion and solidarity.

We have shared ideas about innovations to advance reproductive health and rights in a changing world – one marked by demographic diversity and more people on the move.

Universal access to sexual and reproductive health services and information, comprehensive sexuality education, affordable childcare, and other family-friendly policies – key policies and actions that respect and support women’s fertility decisions/their right to say yes or no, without coercion. 

Investments in youth can power economies and help countries realize their demographic dividend. And let’s prepare now by planning for active retirement, health care, disability services and everything that leads to healthy ageing populations. Healthy longevity begins with investments in prenatal care and in children and young people today.

Nothing can be achieved in isolation. Our fates are woven together. We share a common future.

From Cairo to Nairobi, from Cotonou to Dhaka, the message has been clear: the ICPD Programme of Action remains as relevant as ever across all demographic contexts. 

In a world facing changing demographic trends – population growth in some places, population ageing in others, migration shifts, climate displacements – the movement for sexual and reproductive health and rights needs rigorous, adept, unapologetic champions. We can’t wait another 30 years to fulfil the promise of Cairo!

Therefore: I ask for your help. Put on your thinking caps please! Let’s hear from you as to how does this community stay engaged throughout every day of the year as a community of practice? How can UNFPA encourage the type of vibrant platform that keeps us connected, debating and dialogue-ing every day of the year? Let’s do it!!

When I reflect on demographic diversity, I see wide-open opportunities to build more inclusive, more diverse and ultimately more resilient societies. Indeed, put women and girls at the center and beyond the numbers, focus on people!

Let’s nurture the precious connections we forged here in Dhaka. Let’s continue to exchange knowledge and be a source of solidarity and ideas for one another. 

Stay tuned, because the third and final ICPD30 Global Dialogue takes place next month in New York City. That dialogue will lead an exploration of the impacts of technological change on the ICPD agenda. Then, in September the Summit of the Future.

Quoting Rabindranath Tagore:

Reach high, for stars lie hidden within you. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.

The journey continues. Our work goes on.

Together, we can go further and faster towards that world of rights and choices, peace and prosperity – for all.

Adelante! Onward!

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