2018 Ottawa Conference

22 - 23 October 2018

Ottawa, Canada

Seventh International Parliamentarians' Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action (IPCI)

IPCI comes at a crucial time for the international community: Next year marks the 25th anniversary of the Cairo agenda and the 50th anniversary of UNFPA.

The 2018 conference will serve as an important platform for (1) keeping ICPD issues alive and within global mainstream parliamentary discourse, (2) taking stock of the progress of the ICPD Programme implementation and (3) strategically positioning population dynamics within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

IPCI aims to produce a forward-looking declaration and action plan that fosters understanding of and consensus around the urgency to address current political discourse on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

In Ottawa, parliamentarians will build on achievements made in Stockholm (2014)Istanbul (2012)Addis Ababa (2009)Bangkok (2006)Strasbourg (2004) and Ottawa (2002).

Organizing and Supporting Partners:

European Parliamentary Forum on Population & Development

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

Canadian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development

Global Affairs Canada

Inter-American Parliamentary Group on Population and Development

Declaración de compromiso de Estocolmo
Declaración sobre los derechos humanos
Cartel de Estocolmo

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