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“Your voice is your weapon”: Taking on sexual harassment in Egypt

“Your fear is controlling you,” instructor Amany Abdel-Aal told a roomful of women at a Wen-Do self-defence class, held in a cheerfully painted youth centre on the outskirts of Cairo.

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Evacuees waiting to return home after Bali volcano alert

Escalating volcanic activity at Mount Agung in Bali prompted Indonesian authorities to issue an SOS alert, the highest-level warning, on 22 September. By 6 October, over 139,000 people had been evacuated.

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Los hombres se alzan contra la violencia de género en Azerbaiyán

En las últimas semanas, varios casos de alto nivel de violencia de género han salpicados los titulares. Millones de mujeres en todo el mundo han exigido el fin de estos abusos y, cada vez con mayor frecuencia, se exige...

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Gender inequality, lack of information fuel teen pregnancies in Timor-Leste

“I knew a little bit about how a baby is made, but not too much,” said Natalia, 19, in Alieu, the rocky highlands of Timor-Leste. Her 1-year-old daughter, Afeena, was sleeping nearby. “I had no education about this at...

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Sexual violence devastating, humanitarian needs mounting in Rohingya crisis

“My sister was killed after gang rape in front of me, and they threw hot water on my body,” Fatima*, 30, told a case worker at a UNFPA-supported women-friendly space in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Almost 600,000 Rohingya...

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From child bride to beauty expert: one Jordanian woman’s story

On most weekday afternoons, you can find 22-year-old Hiba* working at a salon in Amman. But what few of her clients know is that she was once a child bride – an experience that haunted her for years.

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Diez acciones para un mundo más igual

A menos que se haga frente con urgencia a la desigualdad y se empodere a las mujeres más pobres para que puedan tomar decisiones sobre sus propias vidas, los países corren el riesgo de sufrir disturbios y de poner en...

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Young women emerge as responders, leaders in Nepal flooding

Flooding in southern Nepal this August affected over a million people, displacing tens of thousands . The destruction was widespread in Rautahat District, where 20-year-old Priyanka Singh lives.

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Las adolescentes hablan de la desigualdad

Despite years of efforts and advances, full gender equality has yet to be realized. There is not one country in the world free of gender-based violence or discrimination. And in too many places, the burdens of...

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