Bolivia Country Programme Evaluation
Resource date: 01 Dec 2011
Resource date: 01 Dec 2011
The Evaluation Report presents an independent programme-level evaluation of the UNFPA support to Bolivia covering the fourth Country Programme (2008-2012) conducted by the Evaluation Branch (DOS). The UNFPA country programme was found to be relevant vis-a-vis Bolivia's needs and priorities, international agreements, ICPD priorities and MDG 5 and is coherent with national strategies and policies. There have been tangible achievements in three areas, namely policy dialogue, capacity development and institutional strengthening. Support to the development of national capacities shows positive results but there is no formalized strategy to ensure sustainability of interventions in this area. The UNFPA added value as a development partner is high, demonstrating diverse comparative strengths such as experience in the field, capacity to engage with and mobilize stakeholders and proximity to communities and social movements. However, as a consequence of having a non-operational results-oriented monitoring and evaluation system, the country office cannot measure the degree of achievement of the different programme components and cannot be held accountable in an objective manner.