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Future Generations Ready for The World

This publication documents UNFPA's contribution to the goals of the World Summit for Children and its commitment to young people. This commitment…

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Report of the Planning Meeting on Strategic Options for HIV/AIDS Advocacy in Africa

This report documents some of the efforts that have been made, the major issues that still need to be tackled, and what partnerships at various…

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Preventing Infection, Promoting Reproductive Health

Prevention: This is a central objective of UNFPA in the global fight against HIV/AIDS. Among the many complex issues compounding the pandemic,…

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State of World Population 2001

Human activity is altering the planet on an unprecedented scale, the report points out. More people are using more resources with more intensity and…

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Maternal Mortality in 1995

The document opens by summarizing the complexity involved in measuring maternal mortality and the reasons why such measurement is subject to…

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Reproductive Health Commodity Security:

This report reviews the first meeting of international fistula experts in London in July 2001, which launched this initiative and focused on concrete…

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Application of Human Rights to Reproductive and Sexual Health

The meeting examined, in particular, three issues of considerable importance to sexual and reproductive health, in order to assess the impact of…

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UNFPA Annual Report 2000

In 2000, UNFPA continued to support countries in the development of population and development strategies, and data collection, analysis and policy…

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Donor Support for Contraceptives and Logistics 2000

This report, the latest in a series, was prepared by analysing information from a database of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on…

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