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UNFPA Afghanistan

Home to one of the world’s youngest, fastest growing populations, Afghanistan faces challenges exacerbated by conflict, weak governance and cultural barriers, especially in the case of impoverished women and children. UNFPA programmes invest in reproductive health and rights, gender equality, and socioeconomic development; humanitarian assistance and youth issues are priorities in all three areas. Assistance is channelled to replicable programmes in provinces with high rates of poverty and maternal and infant mortality, and where communities are actively engaged in their development.

Key humanitarian results 2023

Women assisted to deliver babies safely in UNFPA-supported facilities

People Targeted by UNFPA

People in need

Adolescents and youth (10-24) reached with SRH services

People reached with Family Planning Services in UNFPA-supported facilities

People reached with SRH information and awareness activities in person

People reached with GBV prevention, mitigation and response activities

People reached with SRH services

People reached with awareness-raising activities and GBV-lifesaving information in-person

Dignity kits and/or other Non-Food Items distributed

Safe Spaces for women and girls, supported by UNFPA

Youth Spaces supported by UNFPA

Health facilities supported by UNFPA

SRH mobile clinics supported by UNFPA and run by UNFPA Implementing Partners

Personnel trained on the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for SRH

Non-specialised GBV humanitarian workers / frontline workers who were trained /oriented on GBV core concepts and guidelines

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Programme Activities

  • All resources
  • Core
  • Non - core

Afghanistan 2023 Programme Activities data

Ending gender-based violence and harmful practices
By 2025, the reduction in gender-based violence and harmful practices has accelerated
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
NGO $15,324,658 (52%)
UNFPA $13,881,713 (47%)
UN $143,115 (0%)
Funded by:
Core Resources (4%)
Non-core Resources (96%)
Adolescents and youth
By 2025, strengthened skills and opportunities for adolescents and youth to ensure bodily autonomy, leadership and participation, and to build human capital
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $19,599 (1%)
NGO $1,895,249 (99%)
Funded by:
Core Resources (12)
Non-core Resources (88)
Gender and social norms
By 2025, strengthened mechanisms and capacities of actors and institutions to address discriminatory gender and social norms to advance gender equality and women’s decision-making
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $3,621,366 (24%)
NGO $11,269,218 (76%)
Funded by:
Core Resources (6)
Non-core Resources (94)
Humanitarian action
By 2025, strengthened the capacity of critical actors and systems in preparedness, early action and in the provision of life-saving interventions that are timely, integrated, conflict- and climate-sensitive, gender-transformative and peace-responsive
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $10,240,748 (98%)
UN $143,115 (1%)
NGO $55,835 (1%)
Funded by:
Core Resources (0)
Non-core Resources (100)
Quality of care and services
By 2025, strengthened capacity of systems, institutions and communities to provide high-quality, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services, including supplies, as well as essential services to address gender-based violence and harmful practices
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
NGO $2,104,356 (100%)
Funded by:
Core Resources (1)
Non-core Resources (99)
Ending preventable maternal deaths
By 2025, the reduction of preventable maternal deaths has accelerated
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $29,668,983 (145%)
NGO $35,998,398 (54%)
UN $960,749 (39%)
Funded by:
Core Resources (5%)
Non-core Resources (95%)
Adolescents and youth
By 2025, strengthened skills and opportunities for adolescents and youth to ensure bodily autonomy, leadership and participation, and to build human capital
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $0 (0%)
NGO $93,828 (100%)
Funded by:
Core Resources (28)
Non-core Resources (72)
Gender and social norms
By 2025, strengthened mechanisms and capacities of actors and institutions to address discriminatory gender and social norms to advance gender equality and women’s decision-making
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
NGO $2,719 (100%)
Funded by:
Non-core Resources (100)
Humanitarian action
By 2025, strengthened the capacity of critical actors and systems in preparedness, early action and in the provision of life-saving interventions that are timely, integrated, conflict- and climate-sensitive, gender-transformative and peace-responsive
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $25,348,458 (54%)
UN $0 (0%)
NGO $21,598,586 (46%)
Funded by:
Core Resources (6)
Non-core Resources (94)
Quality of care and services
By 2025, strengthened capacity of systems, institutions and communities to provide high-quality, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services, including supplies, as well as essential services to address gender-based violence and harmful practices
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $4,320,525 (22%)
UN $960,749 (5%)
NGO $14,303,265 (73%)
Funded by:
Core Resources (4)
Non-core Resources (96)
Ending the unmet need for family planning
By 2025, the reduction in the unmet need for family planning has accelerated
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
NGO $2,093,059 (43%)
UNFPA $2,728,702 (57%)
Funded by:
Core Resources (0%)
Non-core Resources (100%)
Humanitarian action
By 2025, strengthened the capacity of critical actors and systems in preparedness, early action and in the provision of life-saving interventions that are timely, integrated, conflict- and climate-sensitive, gender-transformative and peace-responsive
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $18,352 (1%)
NGO $2,068,461 (99%)
Funded by:
Core Resources (0)
Non-core Resources (100)
Quality of care and services
By 2025, strengthened capacity of systems, institutions and communities to provide high-quality, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services, including supplies, as well as essential services to address gender-based violence and harmful practices
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $2,710,350 (99%)
NGO $24,598 (1%)
Funded by:
Core Resources (0)
Non-core Resources (100)

Programme Documentation

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CPD Afghanistan [2006-2008] (DP/FPA/CPD/AFG/2)
Cycle: -
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CPAP Afghanistan [2015-2019]
Cycle: 2015-2019
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CPD Afghanistan [2015-2019] (DP/FPA/CPD/AFG/4)
Cycle: 2015-2019
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CPD Afghanistan [2010-2013] (DP/FPA/CPD/AFG/3)
Cycle: 2010-2013
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UNDAF Afghanistan [2010-2013]
Cycle: 2010-2013
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CPAP Afghanistan [2010-2013]
Cycle: 2010-2013
Technical notes and sources

The designations employed and the presentation of material on the map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNFPA concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties.

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