Through effective policies and programmes, Egypt has made important progress in ensuring widespread access to reproductive health services and reducing maternal deaths. Challenges remain, such as stagnating contraceptive prevalence, female genital mutilation/cutting, and maternal mortality rates. Since 1972, UNFPA has helped the national family planning and population programme overcome initial opposition and become a success. Today, UNFPA supports continued improvements, advocating for integrating reproductive care in primary health services, with full respect for reproductive rights. Programmes also focus on improving maternal health and reducing gender-based violence.
HAUTE-ÉGYPTE, Égypte – « Les gens me disent que cette pratique est un héritage, qu’ils et elles s’y adonnent parce que…
Le Caire, en Égypte – « Des cadavres jonchaient les rues. J’ai dû couvrir les yeux de mon fils de six ans pour qu’il ne…
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