At the 2005 World Summit, leaders from around the world reaffirmed their commitment to universal access to reproductive health by 2015 - a…
Read publicationThe Millennium Development Goals Report 2005
THIS PROGRESS REPORT is the most comprehensive accounting to date on how far we have come, and how far we have to go, in each of the world's…
Read publicationUNFPA Annual Report 2004
This overview of UNFPAs work in 2004 focuses on efforts to improve reproductive health, ensure safe motherhood, address population issues, prevent…
Read publicationWorld Reaffirms Cairo
UNFPA, in cooperation with the relevant agencies, published in early 2005 a compendium of the official outcomes of the ICPD at Ten, entitled "…
Read publicationState of World Population 2005
How do we improve the lives of the nearly 3 billion individuals living on less than two dollars a day? How can we enable all individuals  
Read publicationGender-Responsive Programming for Poverty Reduction
This publication is about gender-responsive programming for poverty reduction in Africa.
Read publicationReducing Poverty and Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
This publication, which consists of two parts, underscores the importance of population issues, including reproductive health, as a critical…
Read publicationCondom Programming for HIV Prevention
Condoms play a special role in combating the spread of HIV/AIDS because of their ability to protect against the sexual transmission of HIV. Since…
Read publicationDonor Support for Contraceptives and Condoms for STI/HIV Prevention (2005)
This report, which is prepared on an annual basis, provides a detailed look at the contraceptive supplies provided by donors. Based on data collected…
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